Read: Dennis McNally's Interview with Caroline Killoh
Skull & Roses Wall of News, 1/22
Caroline Killoh developed a passion for music at an early age. She trained in classical piano at Worcester School of Performing Arts (MA) as a teen, but it wasn’t long before she began focusing most of her attention toward the rock genre.
Since then, she has been keyboardist/vocalist in several Massachusetts-based rock bands. Past bands include: Hoobis Doobis, Smokehouse, Undercover, and BeatleTracks. Current bands include Brown Eyed Women, Fennario, Don’t Let Go and Ship of the Sun.
Most notable performances as keyboardist/vocalist include: Terry Sylvester (The Hollies) show covering Rubber Soul album; Fennario at Fenway Park for Grateful Dead night; BeatleTracks Dead Air Live at Somerville Community Access TV, Women of Worcester concert. Caroline also has her own side band, called Sonejy, featuring her jam-oriented originals.
Current musical equipment includes: Nord Electro 4D, Hammond XK-1C keyboard, and QSC K12. Outside of music, Caroline owns her own accounting/bookkeeping business, and lives with her partner Dan, and their 3 cats Simba, Roscoe and Luna in the Boston MA region.